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Gaming laptop released by Dell as part of their G series of laptops in 2019.

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My laptop crash and restart randomly

I don’t have the same exact Model G5 5590, I got G5 5505 model, since I brought it I have had a black screen and a random shutdown then restart problem with my laptop. It happens often but some days I be playing games without having any trouble shouting for hours. It all takes one crash and boom. I took it to BestBuy which from where I brought it, they run hardware and software tests, and they found no errors, they couldn’t help much with that as they told me.
I upgraded my RAM from 8gbs to 16gbs and I thought it may be the problem solver, but it’s the same problem, games crash and laptop restart.
I checked on the drivers and everything, still the same problem, I know there is a solution for this, maybe I didn’t know how to fix it.
Is there anything you can help with? Have you ever had problems like this and got solved?

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Hi @joetor,

Are both fans still operating when the laptop screen turns black or just before it shuts down? Maybe check for airflow at the vents under the laptop.

Check in Event Viewer for any Critical, Error or warning events that may be logged at the same time that the laptop crashes. To get to Event Viewer in Win 10, press the Win Key + x key (both together) and then click on the link.


Hey @jayeff

Yeah, both fans work perfectly, I have no overheating problems, when I check the Event Viewer it shows some Error Code 28 and some other related errors, also, when I checked the Device Manager, I found something about Logitech but every time I uninstall it and reupdate the device, the same problems come back. I even reset the computer for factory reset and still have the same problem.

What would it be?



What category is the "Logitech" device listed under in Device Manager as there is no mention of Logitech in the driver list?

It may have nothing to do with it but if the error code can be fixed and the problem still happens then at least you know that it wasn't the cause.

Random faults are hard to find so you have to start somewhere by eliminating things that do show up :-)

Does it only happen when playing games or at other times as well?

If at other times i.e. browsing internet etc, then try starting the laptop and get into BIOS and leave it there and check if it also shuts down from there.

Alternatively start in safe mode and check if it occurs or not.



It's under "Other Devices", it says "Logitech Cordless Device", and it's two times.

I can provide you with the error codes in the COMMENT section here if you want to, I really need help I have tried everything I can, but I'm out solutions now.



Go into Device Manager and right click on the Logitech device > properties > details > Property box > hardware IDs and find the VID and PID for the device.

Knowing this will at least let you know what the device is (was?), by searching for the combination of VID and PID online.

Being a "cordless device" I'm wondering if it was a BT mouse or keyboard??

Also did you check event viewer? You seem to be talking about error codes in device manager. With event viewer problems are listed under the categories Critical, error and warning and then show source and event ID number for the event


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It sounds like you bought a refurbished laptop. If you already upgraded the RAM, the fans are working, and the hardware/software/driver tests passed, the problem may be the CPU’s cooler.

An overheating CPU can cause a thermal trip error that makes the PC restart unexpectedly. If the person who refurbished the laptop didn't confirm that they placed the CPU cooler correctly (correct amount of paste, fully functional fan, etc.), I would ask Best Buy about that.

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i solved it by this easy step

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