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Anleitungen für die Wi-Fi-Version des iPad mini 5 - Modell A2133. Das iPad mini 5 kam im März 2019 auf den Markt und ist der Nachfolger des iPad mini 4.

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Are the iPad Mini 4 and Mini 5 screens identical?

Since the EU store is not selling parts specifically for the iPad Mini 5, I was wondering about the interchangability with the Mini 4. In terms of size and specifications, the screen of the iPad Mini 4 and 5 are identical. Can a screen of the Mini 4 be placed onto the Mini 5 or is the connector slightly different for example?

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The Apple iPod mini 4 has the same screen resolution as the iPod mini 1536x2048.

Screen size is also identical as both have a 7.9” screen.

The only thing ipad mini 4 doesn't have is True Tone.

I am not sure if they are interchangeable when it comes to the connection.

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I would say no I have a mini 5 you could try but most likely not


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don't risk your money and buy the right one

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