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Das Asus X555LA ist ein preiswertes Laptop, welches im Mai 2015 auf den Markt kam. Es hat den Intel i5 Prozessor und ist als Einsteigermodell konzipiert.

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ASUS X555QG Screw Sizes

Is there any X555QG documentation on where the screws should be placed? I lost track and now I'm scared of breaking something inside.

I have

4x 9mm

and 6x 11mm.

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Hi @banesrb ,

I couldn’t find any information regarding the locations of the screws in the laptop but here’s a list of all the screws that are used.

There are no 11mm screws in the parts list so presumably they are the M2*12L (12mm) screws.

Perhaps you could use a thin wire and insert it into the screw holes and then mark the wire so that you can measure the depth of the hole. A difference of 3mm between the screw lengths should be easy to discern

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I guess this will be close enough, thank you.


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