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Das Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite gibt es im Modell SM-P615 (LTE) und SM-P610 (Wi-Fi). Die Modelle enthalten den Samsung Exynos 9611 mit 4GB Arbeitsspeicher und 64GB Gerätespeicher (erweiterbar mit 1x microSD bis 1TB).

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How to troubleshoot: Device is not powering on

After a water damage in a backpack my device does not turn on again. I already let it dry for 24 hours, before I gave it a try. What would be the next steps? Does it make sense to charge it? Does it make sense to dry it even longer? Does it make sense to open the device? Or should I go to a professional Repair or Samsung Customer Service?

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I am not an expert on this. This is what I heard to do. So do your own research on what you should do immediately after damaging your device.

What I was told to do, is to power off the device. Wipe off the outside, and then let it air dry. You can turn back on your device once it’s entirely dry, so I would suggest waiting an entire day just to be sure. If it is still not working, I get a professional to fix it.

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