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Reparaturanleitungen und Demontageinformationen für das im Oktober 2021 veröffentlichte 16-Zoll-MacBook Pro mit den von Apple entwickelten SoCs M1 Pro und M1 Max. Modell A2485.

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Shaking MacBook sideways I can hear/feel something loose/wobbly.

Hi everyone,

If I shake my Macbook sideways with the device parallel to the floor I can feel/hear something wobbly moving around. Does anyone here have any idea what component causes this?

I also seem to notice that when the Macbook is closed with the lid down, grabbing it with both hands and using my thumbs to firmly press on top of the lid near the centre and than shaking it sideways lessens or stops the wobble. Like it comes from the screen, but feels it comes from the case.

I am very curious what it is and if it’s normal.

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As your system is so new I would get your system to an Apple Store (best) or a authorized Apple reseller to let them check things out. My guess is the battery is loose! This would not be smart leaving it this way.

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But its's weird that when I press a little firmly on top of the lid, the wobble seems not to be happening, which would outrule a loose battery as they are inside the base instead of the screen.


@jayengine - Without opening the system and checking things to ID what's loose all we are doing is guessing! Could be a loose screw or something else that came loose.

Please let Apple take responsibility here! If you mess up it will be expensive! I prefer free than $$$


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I have the same issue, other people are pointing into moving part on the screen part of the MacBook - which makes sense to me as putting fingers on the lid stops the wobble. I wonder too if it’s a known issue or I should contact Apple support

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Well you have a choice! FREE or paying someone or trying to find out your self which could be a costly matter.

I like FREE my self! Get to an Apple Store to have it looked at. It's clearly not normal. These systems are so new its not worth the risk. If its getting close to the end of your warranty coverage I would signup for AppleCare+ for pice of mind!


I fully agree with Dan

Best option is to get it to a apple store so they can’t say you have voided your warranty!


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Hi all. I have exactly the same problem. Just recently I bought a Pro 16" and when I shook it up I found the same problem. And exactly the same, if I close the Mac and lightly press my fingers on the sides of the lid and shake it, the sound goes away I decided to go straight to Apple And ask them. Turns out they are aware of this problem. They said previous models (2019) had the same problem. They also said that this will not affect the functionality of the device, and that there is unfortunately no solution to this problem. They only offered to replace the screen, but said in advance that they do not guarantee that the strange sounds will stop... Interestingly, in the Apple store where I went there are the same Macs (14 and 16) with the same problem.

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Lol I just tried to do the same with my 14 inch MacBook pro, same sound and no issues

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