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A security and intelligent doorbell that live streams 24/7 and notifies you if someone is at your door.

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Where to get the faceplate?

Where can I buy the faceplate for a nest hello wired doorbell?

Update (01/18/2022)

I’m talking about the black faceplate for the doorbell that has the rubber gasket around it. Mine is pealing and out of warranty and Google won’t sell me one. I’d probably need the rubber gasket too. This is the first part you remove in getting inside the Nest Hello to change the battery or anything else.

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Same, I just ordered a new battery for mine that I've had since 2018. And I ordered an elago silicone case to cover up the ugly peeling.

I figured that's cheaper than purchasing a new one.



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Someone here is right i did the same with the battery and yes is better to get the silicone cover , is cheap and will look like a new 2024

I figured that's cheaper than purchasing a new one.



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