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How To Remove stripped screws from back shell

while trying to open up the lite I stripped the screws by putting to much pressure on screw driver carving a shape into it I was able to get one out (it wasn’t stripped) I got the screws to replace them but I can’t get the stripped screws out it’s in the top left bottom left and bottom right

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I have a similar issue, I am going to try and put a tiny dot of glue on the tip of the driver, hold it against the screw till it dries and hopefully i can turn the screw afterwards...wish me luck!!


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YouTube is filled with suggestions on removing stripped screws. However, look carefully because some of the methods are fine for removing a screw with a stripped head from wood, but would destroy something plastic, like your Switch. Don’t use a propane torch to heat the screw and don’t use any sort of impact tool.

It’s an art form and some methods won’t work at some times.

Rubber band - I haven’t found this works
Latex glove- I haven’t found this works
Mini screw extractor
Left hand drill bit
Metal drill bit
And others

Here are some vids that are focused on removing stripped screws from small electronic devices.

IFixIt carries this, which is shown in the last vid.
Precision Screw Extractor Set


Four different sized extractor tools to help remove fasteners or screws with stripped heads. Driver head is claw shaped for maximum grip. Sizes range from 1.1mm to 2.0mm. Bild


Precision Screw Extractor Set


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