I'm stuck on one screen
I’m stuck on this one screen on my Sony Bravia KDL 40 WE663 which I cannot get out of by pressing any button on my remote. The remote is working apparently. The screen has APPS + CHANNELS + RECORDINGS + MEDIA + SETTINGS + HOME SCREEN. None of these work. Is there a hidden button? I cannot get out by pressing ‘Home’ or ‘Return’. It’s driving me nuts and yes I have switched it off and restarted it. Thanks anybody in advance, James
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
First, use a multimeter to make sure that both batteries are at least 1.4V each. If they are, see my answer below.
von Andrew S
Hi @jamesrdesign,
Have you tried using the Control buttons on the TV (see p.7) to see if using them worked?
von jayeff