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Die Wi-Fi Version von Apples iPad 6, erschienen im März 2018. Erhältlich mit 32 und 128 GB Speicher. Ausgestattet mit einem 9,7" Retina Display und einem 64-bit A10 Fusion Prozessor.

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Password digits 3,6,9,cancel not functioning

I replaced the digitizer about 18 months ago. It has been flaky ever since. I reopened it to see if I could fix this problem. Now the symptom is the digits 3,6,9,and cancel will not respond when opening password. This symptom is not now flakey but solidly not functioning. I thoroughly cleaned the connectors per your instructions. My question is, is it the digitizer or the processor. Any ideas?

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Hey Chuck,

Seems to me like a logic board issue as concurred by @beanman56 . With that being said maybe there are dead spots on the screen which are causing this.

Did this happen after an update or did something happen to the device prior?


From Sunday Aus to Friday AUS, i will be unavailable as i am camping then.

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Its the digitizer

i’m 99.5% sure

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Replaced digitizer same problem.


Sounds like its a logic board problem then :/

Like the software or something


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