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Eine von Sony Computer Entertainment produzierte Fernsehspielkonsole; die PlayStation 4 Slim (CUH-2000-Serie) ist ein dünneres Ersatzmodell für die originale PS4. Angekündigt am 7. September 2016.

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Where can I get this missing piece?

A long time ago my disk drive didn’t work and I took it apart apparently the loose piece fell out and I lost it. Recently I opened it up and found out what I needed. Other people have lost this white plastic piece and it was called F-105. Other people have said I need to buy a broken console and get the piece from there, but I don’t want to spend $40+ to get one. Does anyone know how to get it?

Block Image

Picture shows where the piece used to be.

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I’ve spent over an hour now searching. Even the places that have “roller kits” don’t include the connecting rod bit. I can’t fathom replacing an entire disc drive ($40+ as you discovered), let alone an entire console ($100+), just because of a stupid little plastic dowel. If it were me….I’d make a substitute connecting rod, really what is there to lose. Either hand carve it or if you know someone with a 3d printer, design and print some. Good luck!

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Sorry it has been a long time. I appreciate your answer and will try to locate a replacement or try to make it.


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