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Apples Mainstream-iPhone 2021 wurde am 24. September vorgestellt und kommt mit einem 6,1-Zoll-OLED-Display, einem dualen 12-MP-Kamerasystem und in fünf verfügbaren Farben. Nachfolger des iPhone 12.

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Where should I buy a replacement iPhone 13 Screen?

I cannot find an iPhone 13 replacement screen for sale on iFixIt. First questions is why? Second question, can anyone recommend a reputable seller of an iPhone 13 screen in dark blue or black, Model A2482?

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At this stage, any replacement display isn't going to be that great, and what would be available, is going to be very expensive.

If your touch/display is working, you're better off sending it off to be refurbished.

Also to note, I believe you lose truetone, the JC programmers only transfer serial data, but not truetone from 12 upwards, as this is now stored on the glass chip along the bottom of the display, rather than stored on the flex IC chip like previous models.

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Hi paulc,

I think we may have been out of stock when you posted this way back in March. If you're still looking for the part, we have them available in our US store. If you're trying to buy from a different spot across the globe, please let me know and I'll help you figure out if we can get one to you or not.

Happy fixing!

Replace a scratched or cracked front panel glass digitizer screen or a malfunctioning display with this aftermarket LCD screen. Bild


iPhone 13 Screen


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Try ebay.

Some sellers have 100% feedback. Plus you are usually covered under ebay money-back guarantee


But as Duane said, it is not gonna be cheap…

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Actually the best option is to buy from Apple now. 3rd party screens are not going to work 100% as original, both in quality and features, and it's not that cheap.

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Injured Gadgets is (in my opinion) the best place for screens, batteries, and even other parts for both apple and android devices...

here is a link for the iPhone 13 Screens and other parts:


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I beleive the best answer, is to buy a oem (Apple refurbished screen) from ebay or maybe just get serviced by apple themselfs (This will be the more expensive option)

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