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The Samsung Galaxy Watch Active is a smartwatch designed, developed, and produced by Samsung Electronics, a South Korean electronics company. It can be identified by the model number SM-R500. It was released in March 2019.

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My back cover fell off - how to replace?

While on vacation, the back cover fell off of my Samsung Watch Active (SM-500) and I couldn't find it to put it back on. I've been trying to find a replacement back/glass/sensor, but I can only find them for newer models! Help? The back looks like a plus sign.

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you can,t get the parts from samsung but you may get it on online only I will give link https://www.ebay.com/itm/334042295887 i am recommending from here

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because the older modul is out dated suppout so part like sencer is impossible to get


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Same, here, having no luck.. May end up needing a new watch.

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