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Repair information for the fall 2018 addition to the ASUS ROG Zephyrus lineup. This is a high-end gaming laptop in the thinnest frame for those specs at the time. Model number: GX531GS-AH76.

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Does Asus Gx531gs-ah76 have a Cmos battery?

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So I pulled my laptop and cleaned it. I started examining it, then I realized I didn't see were the Cmos was located, so I decide to research if anyone tried to replace there Cmos battery with the exact laptop on the internet cause I don't wanna end up unscrewing the MOBO and checking the back of it just to see it doesn't come with my brand.

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Honestly, I'm not sure whether or not it has a CMOS battery, but I'm sure that if you try contacting Asus support, they could probably tell you.


I'll do that thanks.


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@kingstonja14 take a look at this video Your ROG Zephyrus S does not seem to have a dedicated CMOS battery. It is most likely that it uses a capacitor which gets its power from the main battery.

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I have the model GX531GW.

If you tear down the laptop to the point where you have removed the keyboard panel, the cmos battery can be seen on the top side of the motherboard.

It is under a piece of felt electrical tape on my model.

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It is located on the lh side of the laptop, just at the base of the motherboard where it meets the battery.

It is about 3cm to the right of a white ribbon cable which is for the left hand side USB board

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