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The Samsung UN55KS9000F 55-inch 4K SUHD TV is a flat panel 2160P TV. Released from Samsung in 2016. Model number: UN55KS9000FXZA.

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Blobs on right side of screen

Smart TV fell off the wall (knocked off by workman)—able to replace power module —-any solution to blobs on the right side? Any hope? Thanks in advance.


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Hi Ed,

Having worked with a lot of broken displays in my lifetime, it looks pretty definite to me that the LCD itself is broken - the curves of the blobs are the edge of the cracked glass you're seeing. The only good news here is that the cracks don't extend across much of the screen so the TV is still mostly usable.

On a 55" TV the cost of replacing the LCD will easily exceed the price you would pay to simply buy a used TV of the same make and model, and sometimes it's even more than the cost of a brand new television.

So I'm afraid the bad news is that in my opinion you'll either have to just live with it as is or else you're in the market to replace the TV. Sorry, wish I had better news for you.

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Thx for taking the time to address. Replaced the power module and became delusional in my fixit prowess.


Doesn't sound delusional at all, Ed. Hey, you actually got it working again when the power module went out, and that's more than most people would even attempt! And of course with no power there would be no way to tell the screen was cracked before you could get it turned back on, so I'd say you did exactly the right thing; not your fault there was another issue you couldn't possibly know about beforehand.

Kudos, man; I say good job!


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