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Is there any good upgrades for the wifi card?

I am having an unstable connection with my wifi the router is not the problem because other devices have solid and stable connections but my aspire 3 (2018) model fluctuates from 3 bars to 1 or disconnects I'm looking for a wifi card upgrade if possible

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Before you replace the card itself I would make sure you're running current drivers. And/or do a network reset. In windows 10 you can do that right from the Network settings pane, there's an option towards the bottom. That way you can rule out some weird software issue as a cause. But if drivers are up to date, and you're not experiencing issues with other devices in the same location, then I would say it's worth your time to give an upgrade a go.

You've got a couple options. If you want to install an internal card, replacing the one you have now, you will probably need to open the machine and see what sort of card is in there now. There are a couple of different form factors and the best way to confirm what you have right now is to lay eyes on it. I believe this machine, and most modern laptops without soldered on WiFi, use an m.2 slot, but since the A315 has multiple variants, it's hard to know for sure exactly which one your machine has. Once you know what slot you have for WiFi, you would just need to find a card that matches, and assumedly has better specs.

Your other option, is to get a USB WiFi dongle. You can probably find one of those in a physical store, They are availible in a host of qualities, speeds, sizes, and are much more universally compatible. Plus they are easier to install. The downside is that consume a USB port. And they can be pretty chunky depending on which one you pick, so they may affect the portability of your machine.

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My laptops model is a A315-41-r287 with a QCA9377 and yes the driver is all updated I have also looked in to using an external wifi dongle but I use all my USB ports so I am leaning on maybe replacing my wifi card for a better one my only concern will be compatibility if there are any.

thanks for your insights


@yukihira Looks like it does use an m.2 size card. So it should be pretty easily replaceable. I cannot tell all of the specifics from the info I got (watching youtube videos like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0S9BIgh...) since everything focuses on SSD upgrades. But I would still say popping it open to get an idea of the form factor you need is a good start. But I don't see why you couldn't put in a new one.


@flannelist do you have any recommendations for a good upgrade from my QCA9377? I have been looking around and I have seen some that have the same wifi card and replacing it with an intel card instead


@yukihira yes, I have seen those same threads while doing some research just now, and have seen multiple reports that the QCA9377 is not the best card. An Intel card is likely just fine. If the things I've found are accurate, the QCA9377 uses m.2 slot with A + E keys. So you'd want to find an Intel card with the same. Other cards will probably fit (ones that use a or e keys rather than both), I couldn't find documentation from Acer as to which might be supported.


@flannelist Thanks a bunch of your help I really appreciate it


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