Screen only responsive to S-pen on Samsung Note 20 Ultra
The top half will not respond to touch except its just fine when I use the S-pen. Unfortunately cant find the S-pen. (arggh!) Whats wrong, what can be done?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
The top half will not respond to touch except its just fine when I use the S-pen. Unfortunately cant find the S-pen. (arggh!) Whats wrong, what can be done?
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
On phone screen enter the following:
Then on next screen run TSP Firmware Update.
After success is reported, select < (back) and see if it is fixed.
Other things to try:
Try a simple reboot, that fixes many problems.
Next: Try a safe mode reboot:
Press and hold the Power Button, Menu will open, Press and hold Power off for several seconds: select “Reboot to safe mode” and press Press Ok. If touch is working ok you have a software issue. Uninstall any recently added 3rd party apps. Reinstall them one by one from the play store to find (or hopefully fix) the culprit.
Wipe the cache partition:
Turn phone off.
Press and hold the volume up and power buttons simultaneously
When Android logo appears, release the buttons.
Wait for Installing system update message 30 to 60 seconds.
In system recovery menu options, press the volume down button to select wipe cache partition, Press power button to wipe cache partition, Press volume down button to select yes., Press power button to apply yes,. Press power button to restart when Reboot system now is displayed
Adjust screen sensitivity: settings, display, touch sensitivity, on
Clean the screen
Remove the screen protector
You can also test your display with apps available on the Play Store.
Next thing to try is a factory reset:
Note: all your data will be erased so before doing this back up your files. Be sure you know your account info and password! Or you will be locked out!
Settings, system, Advanced, Reset Option's, Erase all data. (factory reset) select “Reset Phone.”
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Thank you so much. I love it when someone knows and shares multiple fix possibilities. Most people I know say replace it or it cant be done.
On another note.. Have you ever heard of the problem with Note 8 where if you let the battery drain to empty sometimes it will never charge again? That happened to me for no apparent reason and Samsung just said sorry, it happens. I figured if there was a possible fix you would be the one to ask.
Which solution worked for your touch screen issue?
I'm facing same issue in note 10 lite. Sometimes touch work with finger (no back, recent app and home at all) but s pen is working. I tried safe mode but no change. Is there possibility that issue related to charging port? ( I saw a video).
Please help.
@tanmayshar66572 No, the charging port doesn't have anything to do with whether the touch screen works or not; that will strictly be a function of the screen itself. Try @jayeff's answer below, and if that doesn't help you're most likely looking at having to replace the screen to fix the problem.
i started facing this issue yesterday after i updated to the latest software update on my note 10 lite. i have tried all of the above stated solutions by you, even hard reset my phone, but the issue still persists. Is there anything else I can do before i approach the samsung support?
Hi @aurorableme ,
The s-pen works differently to the touch function.
It could be a faulty (loose) touch cable connection or simply a faulty touch screen (digitizer)
Here's the ifixit Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra Display tauschen guide that will help.
At Step.17 the touch cable connection is shown.
If the connection seems OK you may have to replace the display. Looking online replacement displays aren't cheap ;-(
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