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Informationen zur Demontage und Reparatur für das Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Android-Smartphone, erschienen im Januar 2021.

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Phone was in the ocean but works.

Hi, my S21 5G was droppedin salt water for about 25 mins in almost 5ft water, the phone works with problems like apps closing out randomly and overheating, I'm trying to keep the phone mostly shut off but I don't know if it will be okay, we only used methods like rice and drying. We will take it to a repair place soon, any tips till than?

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salt water will eat your motherboard at a fast rate
the phone needs to be cleaned immediately rice will not help
at least open the phone and clean the motherboard with alcohol every chip and every connecter needs to be checked and cleaned
before it's too late.

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buy a transferring machine and transfer that data to the new motherboard or just connect the charging cable to the phone and the computer to transfer the data, after doing that try to clear out as much salt as you can, salt water can make metals rust and you don't want that happening with the buttons or the cameras use some isopropyl alcohol below 95% and use a q tip to clean it up

hope that works


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