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The Samsung UN55KS9000F 55-inch 4K SUHD TV is a flat panel 2160P TV. Released from Samsung in 2016. Model number: UN55KS9000FXZA.

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Samsung UN55NU6900 55" no picture but has sound.

I tried to find my device in "my device", but i did not see my model listed so I tried to pick one as close to it as possible, but my TV model number is UN55NU6900. It is a 55" TV. The main board number is BN96-49482A.

I've been tinkering with my TV all night. A day ago lightning ran in on my house and got my TV. The tv will SOMETIMES power up with no picture but has sound. When it does this, there is light. The black is lit up, but there is no picture. I can navigate through the menu and hear it moving around. The other times I try to power on the device there is no sign of power at all other than the red light at the bottom of the TV. Then, other times you can see the TV trying to boot up. The black will become lit, but will turn it self back off and then on again and never get to the part to where I can hear myself at the main menu. Other time's it will get that far and I can hear myself navigating. Here is a picture of what it looks like when I can hear myself navigating (photo was taken with lights on in the house, so not the best...but the TV is lit up).

Block Image

I took the back off of it to get a look. This TV only has one board. This is what the back looks like when the TV is to where I can hear myself moving around.

Block Image

I was asked by a seller on eBay to discount one of the ribbons at a time to see if I get a white picture on either side of the screen. I disconnected the bottom ribbon and left the top ribbon in and got nothing. Just the red light at the bottom of the TV.

I disconnected the top ribbon and left the bottom ribbon in and got it to light up again, but still no picture on either side. I did have sound. I'll attach a picture to show which one I had undone and you can see the backlights lighting up in the background. I will also note that I was only able to get the TV to replicate it lighting up with only one ribbon in once. Every other time with the exact same set up I get nothing but the red light.

Block Image

I know this will probably sound odd, but it feels like If I leave the TV unplugged and go off for a while and come back and try it then I will get the TV to light up and can navigate. But, if I keep trying different things one after another then the TV won't do anything when it's plugged up.

With all this information giving to the seller, he believes that the issue is my screen and it's not fixable by common means. I believe the seller because the seller sells the mainboards to these TVs. He could have just had me order one of his boards, but he went out of the way to help me. However, I just want a few more opinions on this before I toss the TV.

I've been able to get it to light up (still with no picture) and have sound by pressing the power button multiple times till it almost force it's self to try. It will try and then the bottom of the TV will blink red. Then it will try again. Sometimes with the backlights coming on and other times with them not.

I tried one ribbon at a time again and both gave the same issue. Both would give a try at booting with the backlights coming on then go back off. That is different than before. Before only one ribbon did it and the other didn't try (but i didn't spam the power button either). Also this black part with yellow over it was getting warm without the TV being on very long. You could hear something in the motherboard too every now and then when it tried to boot.

Block Image

Here is a video it booting and staying on to where I can have sound:

Here is a video of what it does the other times it doesn't get to the sound part, but keeps trying to get there (I have to repeatedly press the power button to get it to this stage).

Thanks everyone,
Have a great day!

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Hi @trumpxlv ,

It's probably easier just to replace the mainboard.

Trying to find faults without a schematic is difficult to say the least.

This video may be of interest. Not exactly the same problem but it may be that the problem in your TV is power related as well.

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So you don't believe it be the screen? It's worth trying a board in your opinion?



You could try shining a torch (flashlight) at an angle close to the screen to check for images when there are none but there is audio.

They will be very faint however so try in a darkened room.

If there are images something's telling the mainboard to turn the backlights off or maybe the backlights themselves are faulty

You could try using a backlight tester (examples only) to test them independent from the mainboard (I think it is the cable with the orange connector in your image - disconnect cable and connect tester to cable) so you don't need power on the TV, just in case they're causing the problem.

If they're OK then more likely it is the mainboard


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