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2,2 GHz (Turbo Boost bis zu 3,4 GHz), 2,5 GHz (Turbo Boost bis zu 3,7 GHz) oder 2,8 GHz (Turbo Boost bis zu 4,0 GHz) quad-core Intel Core i7 Prozessor mit 6 MB geteiltem L3 Cache.

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Are MacBook Pro bottom plates interchangeable across different models?

This might sound like a dumb question but I am replacing the bottom plate on my 2015 retina with a GPU and when I got my replacement backplate I noticed that it didn't have the cutouts on the bottom for the GPU. Will this be a problem or does it not matter?

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Let me put it to you this way... Your car tires are quite worn almost with no tread, would you go on a long trip on them, how about a very short trip?

Sadly this is a similar issue, if you are a heavy graphics I would get the correct bottom cover.

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Alright got it. What exactly is the black tape and what are the cutouts designed for?


@jimmysofat6864 They are heat isolators and the outside part is prevent dust build up.


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