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The Canon EOS 60D is a 18 MP DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera with an articulating LCD screen. The camera was released August 2010 and is identified by the EOS 60D printed on the front of the camera.

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60D quick control menu not visible

I just bought a Canon 60D and while i was setting it up for use as a webcam i tried to integrate either EOS utility 1 or 2 with OBS it broke my camera. It didnt respond so i turned it off and didnt think much of it.

A while later i turned it on again and whenever i switch to any other mode than movie the screen goes black, i can take pictures and look at them i can also go into the menu but i cant for any reason look at (i think its called) the quick control menu with all the camera settings like shutterspeed.

Anyone know of this problem and how to solve it?

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If you're having trouble seeing the 60D's quick control menu, it may be because you have the camera's LCD brightness turned down too low. To fix this, press the INFO button and then use the Quick Control Dial to adjust the brightness level.

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i can see the menu and photos clearly but not the quick control, this is not a brightness issue but thanks


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