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Released August 2020 Model number STR-DN1050

3 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Low level outputs don’t work.

Neither the pre amp outputs, zone B outputs, or the subwoofer outputs function.

Went through all the menu settings and nothing. Even got Sony customer service involved to walk me through the settings… nothing.

All the outputs are clustered together on one daughter board. Would like to repair or replace the board myself. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi @jrcspnkr117

Here's the service manual for the receiver, that may help. (be patient as it takes a little while to find it so that it can be downloaded.)

Go to p.22 and follow the troubleshooting flowchart Flow of Repair (when sound is not outputted) (2/5).

Hopefully a start.

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Haven’t tried to fix it yet but I really appreciate the help. Thank you jayeff.


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