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Repair guides for Microsoft's Surface Pro 8, released on September 22, 2021.

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Screen replacement for Microsoft Surface Pro 8

Where can I find a genuine screen part for surface pro 8?

My screen is cracked and I can't find any reliable supplier. I can't find a replacement guide for the device as well.

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Your best bet would be to try to find a replacement screen secondhand. There is a supplier on eBay that I will link here. The Surface 8 Pro does not have a guide yet, but from what I can find the screen replacement guide for the Surface Pro X is supposed to have the same process. I also highly recommend you document your repair process and upload it here for others who may have a similar issue.

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Thanks for help!

Unfortunately it's out of stock in the link above and I can't find it anywhere.

I hope ifixit provide it soon.


I also wonder if Surface Pro X screen is compataible with Surface Pro 8?


@itohamy It wouldn't surprise me if they shared compatible parts. However, if they are compatible then it's not documented on the parts page. If push comes to shove, you could try and find a junked Surface Pro 8 and use it for spare parts. I'm also wondering if there is a way you can contact Microsofts support and just order the part from them directly. They are partnered with iFixit, so it could be a possibility that you can do it that way.


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Ifixit has replacement screen for the Surface Pro 8 now: Microsoft Surface Pro 8 Screens

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It seems like it changes the link to text when posting: www.ifixit.com/Parts/Microsoft_Surface_Pro_8/Screens


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