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Reparaturanleitungen und Demontageinformationen für das im Oktober 2021 veröffentlichte 16-Zoll-MacBook Pro mit den von Apple entwickelten SoCs M1 Pro und M1 Max. Modell A2485.

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Apple considers 2021 M1 Pro/Max 14/16 inch MBP battery "nonremovable".

Despite clearly easily removable by pulling out all the stretch-release adhesive tabs, Apple mandates the batteries of these models to be replaced with the entire lower case with keyboards and speakers.

Apple even allowed the batteries of M1 MacBook Air to be user-serviceable, but not the Pro models.

Apart from immediate accusations of corporate greed, what could the technical reasons for them to eventually decide not to allow end users self-service the batteries despite clearly intended to allow such operation by design?

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FRU's! Apple has been beating the drum for quite a few years reducing the number of FRU's per a given series. They also look at it for their tech skills level. At one point they had folks with the needed chops to even pickup a soldering iron to tag a joint if that is all it took. Now Apple is a replace it and throw it attitude! While we don't see it the recovery aspect is not their only putting the part into grinder! So a missing resistor on a board is chuck it not fix it! Here a dead battery is chuck the whole upper case and even the keyboard is not replaceable so its again chuck it out too!


But thats green right???

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I was expecting something about technical feasibility like difficult to ship pouch cell batteries or something like that I didn't notice, but yeah, big corporations are weird.


What is field-replaceable unit (FRU)?

In electronic hardware, particularly computer systems, a field-replaceable unit (FRU) is a circuit board or part that can be quickly and easily removed and replaced by the user or by a technician without having to send the entire product or system to a repair facility.


@mayer - Yep! I had to reload my IPL to double check ;-}


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Here's the guide on how to do it:

MacBook Pro (16 Zoll, 2021) Akku tauschen

Here's the part:

MacBook Pro 16" (2019) Battery

Replace a 8700 mAh battery compatible with the 2019 MacBook Pro 16" model A2141 laptop. 98.8 Watt Hours (Wh). 11.36 Volts (V). Fix Kit includes all tools and adhesive needed for a successful DIY repair. Bild


MacBook Pro 16" (2019) Battery


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