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Die Wi-Fi Version von Apples iPad 6, erschienen im März 2018. Erhältlich mit 32 und 128 GB Speicher. Ausgestattet mit einem 9,7" Retina Display und einem 64-bit A10 Fusion Prozessor.

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Replaced digitizer, LCD not working the same

I replaced the digitizer on an iPad 6 (that was working 100% aside from the shattered screen) and now the LCD is not cooperating. Blocks of grey/white/black along the top edge. It lights up; it makes the sounds when plugged in, there was even a brief moment when though half the screen was giving white lines/blocks, I even saw the Apple logo. I’ve tried reseating the connector cable, I’ve placed a card under the battery before disconnecting the LCD, I tried the hard reset…. No luck.

The power button works; the home button works. Everything else works as it should

Block Image
Block Image
Block Image

Can anybody confirm if the LCD really is beyond repair (somehow I damaged it in the extraction?) or if it’s something else. The prongs all look good, nothings shorted… I’m at a loss.

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That's a common symptom of a cracked LCD. Apple uses that black epoxy on the corners where the LCD screws go which makes removing it it a delicate process. The LCD was most likely flexed past its tolerance point and cracked. Replacing it should get the iPad back to normal.

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Hi Robert.

I changed the display LCD and look it.

The IPAD reboots alone each 3 seconds and the display appears like in the video.

Is IPAD 2018 6gen

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Ah. When I have seen this across multiple LCDs on the same device it typically points to the connector for the LCD on the logic board being damaged or components near it knocked loose.


yeah Robert the new LCD is Broken. Now with a new LCD is working


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