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Apple kündigte am 9. März 2015 an, dass das Retina MacBook 2015, Modell A1534 am 10. April herauskäme. Es hat eine neue Unibody Konstruktion und beinhaltet ein verbessertes Trackpad, Tastatur und Retina Display.

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Booting from internal or external volume not possible

Trying to boot from internal volume results in dispaying a folder symbol with question mark. When trying to boot from external volume by pressing OPTION key there are no booting options available. Only a key symbol with password entry is displayed but I did not configure any BIOS keyword or volume encryption. Tried to reset SMC and NVRAM but did not help. Do you have any idea to fix it?

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What kind of file-format does the external device have? Is it possibly write-protected?


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Hello Stef,

the key symbol indicates that your MacBooks EFI is locked with a password. The only way to fix this is by rewriting the EFI-ROM. This can only be done by a repairshop.

Your notebooknerds-team

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