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Repair and Disassembly guide for the 2020 ASUS G15 G512LI, A laptop produced by Asus for budget/light gaming.

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My laptop is making a weird scratching noise...

My laptop suddenly started producing a scratching noise and as a result I decided to turn it off. Now, it replays the "Republic of Gamers" animation over and over again when I try to turn it on. I had a feeling the scratching noise was the HDD but would the HDD cause the computer to break completely? (for reference, I've had the computer for half a year)

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@creamxd this “ it replays the "Republic of Gamers" animation over and over” could indeed happen when your computer does not find the OS on startup. I suggest that you get something like a live version Linux or similar OS and copy that to a usb stick and make that bootable. Then set your Bios to boot from the usb drive. If it starts you know it is your drive that has failed and you can try to access it with whatever OS you booted up. Also, check your BIOS and see if that can still see your HDD.

Ultimately it sounds like you will need a new HDD and your OS replaced

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