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Location of BIOS chip (Thinkpad E14 Gen2)

I am working on my Lenovo Thnkpad e14 Gen 2, and was updating the BIOS. I lost power to the device during the update, and now I have a bricked device. I have tried all the simple fixes to no avail. I am looking to replace the BIOS chip, but I haven't been able to find a schematic with its location. The board is 5B20W77573. The device is out of warranty, and I am comfortable in soldering the replacement chip in place. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi @dromero323

If you don't get a better response, if the motherboard model number (printed on the board) is GE4B0/GE5B0 NM-D011 then here's a link to the schematics.

Unfortunately you'll have to purchase it. (I couldn't find a free download - you may have better luck). The schematics should tell you the BIOS chip make and model or type number so that you can then identify it on the board.

Also this supplier has the BIOS.bin file as well as the schematics.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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