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Veröffentlicht am 21. September 2018. Modelle A1921, A2101, A2102, A2104. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / eSIM oder dual-SIM / 64, 256 oder 512 GB / Silber, Gold oder Space Grau (Ausgesprochen "iPhone 10s.")

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Broke Wireless charging flex cable, constant reboot

I just did my first ever phone repair and replaced the screen and battery for an iPhone Xs max, during the process I pulled up the battery and broke the Wireless charging Flex, causing repeating reboot, my question is I really don't want to replace it or is there some kind of soldering repair type thing I can do to imcro repair instead of replace the whole thing?.can do I like add some copper to the broken cabke? I've never don't Solderin/micro repairs before but I figure if I'm going to be repairing phones then I will have to learn someday, so might as well be now, so can I micro repair this and if so how and what tools will I need?

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Hi @natedawg22,

Unfortunately, that level of damage is best left untouched, and the wireless charger replaced.

In theory, you can micro solder a repair, but not really viable on the wireless coil.
If you want to learn micro soldering, get a cheap broken device off eBay or Facebook marketplace and just go to town on it (after watching some videos or something). Note: The smallest jobs is next to impossible to do without a quality microscope and A LOT of patience. You'll need a hot air rework station if you want to really start micro soldering.

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Best rule of thumb is to consider those flat flex cables as non-repairable. They have so little copper surface that trying to solder onto them will just melt the plastic and in most cases the parts themselves are very cheap to replace.

I'm with @geirandersen on this one; the best repair in this instance is to simply replace the charging coil/ button assembly.


@dadibrokeit @geiranderson Agreed and Agreed. I do microsolder and generally speaking on flex cables like that unless it’s critical that that specific flex cable gets reused (Touch ID/Face ID) I consider those “No thanks” repairs and replace the whole cable. They’re fussy and melty and fun to do experiments on. But not easy to make viable for long term use and a right pain in the neck. Not worth the hassle or the time.


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This is not why your device is rebooting. You first need to figure out the actual cause. And to do that, we first need to understand what you mean by "reboot"

Style 1: The phone shows an apple logo and then dark screen---but it never actually boots. If so, then this is what a phone will do when it is not connected to a charged battery. Troubleshoot on a DC power supply or a known good charged battery.

Style 2: The phone will boot, but only stays on for 3 minutes before rebooting. This is the symptoms of a sensor error--and in your case the missing sensor is likely in the charge port or in the connection of the new battery to the battery connector data pins.

The flex that you've damaged is not important for the boot up sequence or staying on for longer than three seconds.

Learning to microsolder is rewarding and fun---we teach a course every month here at iPad Rehab, however flex repair would not be a successful place to start learning microsoldering. Work on working devices when you are starting out. Learn to reball and replace easy bga chips and charge ports first.


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@jessabethany - We missed you!


@jessabethany Looked at your site today to see if you were doing board level MacBook repairs and submitted a ticket. I was surprised to see all the guys working for you instead of women.


Yo Jessa, so then what's the repair? Charging port replacement orrrr?


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