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Introduced in May 1999, the 2000 model year Maxima (designated A33) was a refresh of the previous car, designed at Nissan's La Jolla, California design studio during 1996–1997 under Jerry Hirshberg.

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Idle its variable engine


Enybody its now way this problem its, work nomaly when the engine its cold with all rpm , but when the temprature its been 70 dgs celisius and more , its the variable idlle engine run with 1500-2000 rpm only..feels like a kenguru .the onlye errorcodes its comming its P0 420/430 , its been delete many times, i think that have nothing with this problem too fo


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me only instead of clearing the codes I would suggest you check your catalytic converter as well as the O2 Sensors. The behaviour you describe, could definitely be caused by those.

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Have delete the codes some times and the o2 sensores have been replemented for few years ago and never have no problem with the emission , forget to wtite about the idle in start of the engine go the idle down to almost stop and uo agin , look like the airmassesensor its works in short time...


@me only yes I was thinking mass air flow sensor as well. My concern is that bad O2 sensors and a bad catalytic converter can do the same thing. You can check the O2 sensors and see if they are functioning. All you need, is to measure the amperage drawn by the sensor with a cold exhaust. It should be between 0.25A to 1.5 amp. Anything else shows they are failing.


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