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Veröffentlicht am 26. Oktober 2018. Modelle A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / eSIM, Nano-SIM oder Dual-SIM / 64, 128 oder 256 GB / Schwarz, Weiß, Blau, Gelb, Koralle oder Rot. (Ausgesprochen "iPhone 10 R.")

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iPhone is acting up after screen replacement

Alright so i figure this would be the best place to ask this. I have had a iPhone xr since launch and a few mo ths ago i dropped it and a little black spot formed. I ignored it until a few weeks ago when a ball hit my phone hard and my screen broke. It still turned on and worked but there was lcd bleed all over. I went to a local repair shop and got it fixed for quite a high price. When i got it back i imedialy noticed the screen was low quality (Bad coulors, large borders) but it did not really bother me. Until about two daya ago that it stopped working. The phone was still working but the screen itself was black (the lcd backlight was on but no picture) after taking it back the shop informed me they had a no refund policy (i never dropped the phone) (there was not a scratch on the screen) After arguing with the owner they replaced my screen free of charge with a ever lower quality one. After using this one for LESS THAN A DAY the touch sceeen stopped fuctioning. The phone was working, i could see my home screen but the screen was not responding to touch. After bending the phones frame for a bit the phones top half of the screen started working. I can use the phone only with siri and dictation now. I would not mind replacing it with a higer quialty screen but im now seeing random reboots and worry my phone has motherboard issues. Could this be the case?

Sorry for the bad english, if you dont understand let me know and ill try to explain

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Hello Jonathan,

someone has sold and installed a low quality screen on your phone. Depending on the country you are writing from, there are different rules for this. In the normal world, you have at least one year of protection, in others ... it's different. You should check it and follow the laws of your country.

The Chinese screen costs about $ 90-100, the rest is profit. Write where you were with the screen - this will warn other users from visiting this place. Any way, the screen needs to be replaced with a suitable one. Much depends on what country you live in and how much money you can spend on it. However, avoid repair shops with a dubious reputation in the future.

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Thank you for this, I am in the uk so ill order a ifixt screen and try it myself. My horrible spelling is becuse of trying to use a samsung and figuring out the buttons are spaced furter apart.


In accordance with UK regulations, the seller must repair or replace the product, or reduce the price or return the money, if the purchased goods turn out to be defective or do not look or do not work as described in the description.

If you bought a product or service online or outside the store (by phone, by mail or from a door-to-door seller), you have the right to withdraw from the contract and return the purchased goods within 14 days, without giving any reason and without any justification.

I have lived in the UK for nearly 30 years. You shouldn't have a problem.


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The shop are a bunch of cowboys who haven't got a clue what they are doing apart from ripping people off. Show them this and say I said so.

Anyway, there are loads of videos on YouTube and information on the internet on how to change the screen. Believe me it really is an easy swap. Get yourself a good aftermarket screen (not the ones the cowboys use) and fit it yourself. Probably 100% better and cheaper than the lone ranger and tonto ripped you off with.

Good luck

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Thought so, i would normally repair a phone like this myself but i was very busy and needed it asap.


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