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Can the trackpad be replaced?

The trackpad was cracked by a swelling battery and I was wondering if it was possible to replace

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Hi @lonestarr,

What is the full model number of the laptop as shown on the product label on the bottom of the laptop?


Hi! The product number is as follows:



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Hi @lonestarr

You should be able to replace the trackpad if you can find a replacement part that is.

Here's a video that shows how to dis-assemble an RZ09 model which should help to gain access to the trackpad. (not exactly the same full model number but should be close enough)

Finding a replacement may be harder though. Found this one but it is for a different model number. Maybe it's the same I don't know. You may have to check if there is any information on the trackpad itself, e.g. part number or model number etc and search online using that information to try and find one.

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