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A wireless, more traditional, video game controller produced by Nintendo for the Switch system. Model number: HAC-013.

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How to remove completely stripped screw?

So I stripped the screw to the point where it’s just a round hole. I tried superglue and it didn’t work, so the hole is caked with the stuff as well. How can I remove this screw? I presume I would need a drill, but what kind of drill might work for the controller?

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If it’s in a hole carefully drilling the screw head then removing what’s left with pliers is probably you best option

It it wasn’t in a hole you might be able to cut a slot into it for a flat head screw driver to go in into but this is probably not the best option for you

You could also try using a rubber band on the end of you screw driver

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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C K, this is only to complete the excellent answer by @hellomacos; You could try these precision screw extractors.

I’ve had good success using those, in many cases.

Four different sized extractor tools to help remove fasteners or screws with stripped heads. Driver head is claw shaped for maximum grip. Sizes range from 1.1mm to 2.0mm. Bild


Precision Screw Extractor Set


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