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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen für das iPhone SE der 2. Generation, im April 2020 angekündigt und veröffentlicht.

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Restore True Tone without original Screen SE 2020


can anybody please tell me if it’s possible to restore True Tone without the original screen for SE2020.

I try with Jc repair suit and with v1s reader but I don’t know how to read and write the True Tone details from the phone. I say I have to back up to cloud.

Thanks and looking forward for answers.


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Check out this page from a site called FixShop.

Programmers: how to replace the display on the iPhone

Basically, here's the procedure they document for your programmer.

  • Open the JC Repair program on your computer and click on "Chip repair".
  • Connect your iPhone to your computer with an 8-pin cable.
  • Click the blue "Fix True Tone" button. The data should be detected automatically.
  • Connect the JC-V1 to the computer.
  • Connect your new screen to the JC-V1. "Online" appears on the JC-V1 screen.
  • In the JC Repair program, click on "Fix True Tone".
  • After clicking, the program will ask you if you want to continue, click "Yes".
  • True Tone data is now installed on your new display.

If that's not enough to get you going, then go ahead and read the full article for information.

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Hi Jerry

i've tried the above but am having issues. when i do the third step, i get the message "Please use the J-Box to back up the original color data of your phone to the cloud first". but i can't find anything on how to do that.

can you help me with this step?


@beekerc I'm afraid I'm not going to be much more help, as I've never used the JC product, as I have the Qian Li device. Take a look at this other thread on the same subject; it's not clear to me whether they figured it out or not.

Restoring True Tone without original screen issue


I'm in the same boat as the OP. Truetone for SE2020 needs to be backed up to cloud as per the instructions from the JC app. I dont have the J- Box but could be ordering one soon!!!

You can manually program a new SE2 screen as a standard 8 screen (use 3uTools for serial data) but although the serial is readable Truetone still doesnt show (with original ear speaker flex etc). Same with JC V1S original screen can be read and data copied to new screen but still not working properly.


I now have a J-Box and its still not clear. Appears you need to use the J Box to put the phone into Jailbreak and unbind stuff. I tried this on a 12 Pro and the J Box screen informs me its incompatible when at Jailbreak stage. iOS 16.5

I have even saved a BIN file of the screen data etc and that still isnt being written to new screen.


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