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Help understanding my Carrier Weathermaker 9200.

I have 2. One upflow, the other downflow. Upflow works great, using it for comparison.

Downflow max temp at floor vent is 70 degrees- varies a couple degrees from vent to vent). (Upflow vents are around 90 degrees)

I can see blue flame at the “sight portal”. There is/was a smell similar to burnt resistor in the house. Checked furnace areas easily accessible to me for source found none. Fan runs

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Hi @d544

Not sure if this information is relevant to your particular model variant (58MCA and 58MXA) but check if there is a LED fault code display on the control board or if not if there is any obvious component damage on the board at all. (see p.9-10 on the document linked).

What is the full model number of the unit? Perhaps check if there is a product info label on the unit somewhere (on the back?) rather than the brand/model name on the front.

Knowing the correct model number will help to find the correct spare parts if there is a faulty part that needs replacing.

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Couldn’t wait. Called for service. After working on it for 3 hours, cleaning, looking at input gas pressure, igniters, valve, etc. , using camera to look at heat exchanger, saw rusted section, determined and recommended either new heat exchaner or complete new unit.

Thank you jayeff for your response.


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