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Die Wi-Fi Version von Apples iPad 6, erschienen im März 2018. Erhältlich mit 32 und 128 GB Speicher. Ausgestattet mit einem 9,7" Retina Display und einem 64-bit A10 Fusion Prozessor.

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After battery replacement, Ipad reboots after 2 minutes,

After a battery replacement, the Ipad will not charge and will reboots in 1-2 minutes of being powered on. Any thought or do I have to tear it appart again and reconnect everything.?

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Check the battery connectors on the board for bent or broken pins. You’ll have to remove the motherboard to check. If one of the pins is damaged the motherboard can’t see the battery so it will reboot to try and find it again.

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Hi Adrian,

Any chance that reboot cycle is closer to three minutes? That's the sensor scan cycle for iOS and probably the most common cause of boot cycles.

You might try checking the panic logs; if it's a kernel panic causing your reboot the cause will be logged there and will be an invaluable clue toward figuring out what's going on with your iPad. @flannelist has written a Wiki article on kernel panics that you should take a look at. So far it's been focused on iPhones, but any device that runs iOS should be relevant.

iPhone Kernel Panics - iFixit

Assuming you find a panic log, post the first page of it in your question and we'll see if we can help diagnose the problem.

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So I thought I responded to this, but here goes. Panics are a fair suggestion, but I would wager that one of the pins on the battery connector was bent or damaged during the repair. I’m still not sure why they designed these battery connectors this way, it leads to this issue a lot, but the narrow pins are responsible for transmitting battery data. So the battery might even be charging, but the iPad doesn’t have any way to verify this since it’s not getting that data.

It’s a bit rough since you’ll have to get the board out again. But it’s worth having a look, especially if you wedged something under the connector to sever the connection between the board and the battery during parts removal (which is the way to do it, just carries this risk).

Block Image

this is what the underside of the connector should look like.

This could also be your battery it’s defective, or an issue with something else entirely. Let us know what you find.

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