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A consumer grade laptop which features a 15.6'' HD LCD screen, Bluetooth, and a fully functional touchpad.

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Replacement battery discharge rate?

I just replace the battery (PX03XL) and am wondering what I should expect for battery life. I realize it is an old laptop, approx. 9 yrs old, but I only seem to get about 3 to 3.5 hours of combined use before needing a recharge. Usage is mostly e-mail, web browsing and idle time. Keyboard backlight is off and display is approximately 70% brightness. Is my expectation for 6 to 7 hours unrealistic? Is 3 to 3.5 hours about right?

Thank you.

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What are the capacity of the new and old battery? Get HWInfo and monitor the average power draw over a full charge-discharge cycle and then compare it to the rated capacity to calculate the expected runtime.

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3 Kommentare:

Yikes way too complicated! How would I monitor power draw.

But thanks for responding.


@Dave B theres an application called hardwareinfo which shows the current state of all the things inside your laptop including power draw. aside from that i think 3-4 hours of battery life is a reasonable expectation for a 9 year old laptop with a replaced battery.


Camden, I like your "aside" comment. Thank you!


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