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Reparaturanleitungen und Demontageinformationen für Apples iPad der 10. Generation. Veröffentlicht am 18. Oktober 2022.

17 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Are the screen and LCD separate on this model?

I am wondering if anyone has done a screen or LCD repair on this model. I have a customer who needs an LCD replaced but I cannot find the part with any of my suppliers or on the eBay.

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Separate parts

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MobileSentrix has the 10th Gen. LCD part…


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Yes, The screen is held in with 10 torx screws. Be aware the Microphone is attached to the digitiser and there is a copper shield connected between the Digitiser and the rear cover. Almost impossible to separate. The digitiser is not too difficult to separate from the rear cover as the adhesive strips are quite narrow all round the frame

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Yep they're available from a company: Tecspares. Ive used them for several of my spares requirements.

inner part LCD For iPad 10th Gen 10.9 A2757 A2696 Screen Replacement Display UK

They're not cheap but you can also get them from ALiExpress quite a bit cheaper if you're prepared to wait the extra time for delivery


In the UK company called Replace Base or iParts4U


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