I need code for progaming radio,cd etc
I can programing radio ,cd,Dvd I need a code but I losse can you help me
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
I can programing radio ,cd,Dvd I need a code but I losse can you help me
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
yadira, what year is your Odyssey? Look on the side of the glove box or behind the ash tray for a sticker with a 5 digit code .If its not there then you will need to remove the radio to get the serial number and either call your Honda Dealer for a new number or post it back. If it is a 2002 or newer try this
Turn your radio off.
Turn key to the ON position. Do not start, just leave ignition in ON position.
Press and hold the numbers 1 and 6 on your radio with one hand.
Using your other hand, turn the radio on while keeping 1 and 6 pressed.
Ten characters will appear on the screen, usually alphanumeric. Write down all the numbers you see.
Now you can either drive to the Honda dealer, provide proof of ownership, give them the numbers, and get your code. Or you might want to try this one online. https://radio-navicode.honda.com/
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
This did NOT work for my 2002.....
I found the serial number in the glove box in a sticker, after that i used the link above and after a few security questions I got the code in minutes. I have a 2004
We were unable to locate our factory security card, so I visited https://radio-navicode.honda.com/ using the serial number found on the top/bottom of our radio. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I found the same sticker on the side of the glove box as cecidaro02 but it also had the 5 digit code as well as the serial number. Mine is a 2004 Odyssey.
I found it on a white sticker on the inside of the glove compartment, both the code and device number. 2004 odyssey
I got a working radio code from https://radiocodevault.com/honda/
Hope it helps some of you out! :) It was pretty fast too, got it in like 20 minutee and music was jamming again haha
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Oh wow thanks, it worked :o
Yup, i got my code from here just fine
this is a working method for my honda, seriously thank u so much
working just fine on my honda.... thank u
yup, best solution for my CRV
Yup, you can do this from home actually, and it’s not very hard. Here ya go
Turn the radio off.
Hold the 1&6 button at the same time
While the 1&6 are pressed, hit volume button at the same time.
This will show your radio’s serial number.
Write this number down.
Then visit this site and enter the serial number
They email codes out after a few hours usually once you submit your info
Try the given code or codes and your radio will turn on.
You don't need to go to the dealership to fix this ;)
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
yup, this worked for my honda. i just had to go through their process and they emailed me a code that turned the music back on once again
Pretty easy fix. Find your VIN# and type it into the form at http://radiocodevault.com/honda/
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
for a 1999 look on the side of the back gate
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
what is the back gate??
You can get a radio code here: https://radiocodevault.com/honda
well I searched all of google it seems and...this site http://radiocodevault.com/honda/ gave me the radio code pretty quick, just had to give them some basic info and then follow their instructions, so if someone else is still looking for a fast easy solution to getting the radio back that might be a good one. Worked on my Honda accord. Thanks to the radiocodevault team I now have a working radio again! :))))
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
I'm sure Honda wants to keep this a secret but it's out. On an '04, look under the cover of the under-hood fusebox. 5 digit number.
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
there is no # or even a leter not in the fuse box under the hood
Hi, I just bought a used 2004 Honda Odyssey. I looked in glove box, code was in the top left corner of glove box. Thanks for the help.
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Tengo el mismo problema y no encuentro el cod en el mismo modelo de oddysey 2003
Me pueden ayudar porfavor
this work for me.. thanks!! .....
how can i find out the code from the honda radio casetofon I want to use it in the house not on the car thanks
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Necesito el código de un Honda de la radio año 2000 crv
I have a Honda 2001 EX I need the code for cd player
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
@bossmom45 did you try any of the above answers?
i have honda odyssey 2004 blank screen no sound or anything need help
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
Código de Honda odyssey 2000 no tengo el sticker y no se como
War diese Antwort hilfreich?
codigo estereo: http://radiocodevault.com/honda/
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13 Kommentare
Necesito el code de radio odyssey 2003
von Jyan
Visit: https://radio-navicode.honda.com/
Use either your VIN (Vehicle Identification number) or the Serial Number off of the radio unit itself, and it will generate an unlock code for you.
Utilizar cualquiera de su VIN ( Vehicle Identification Number) o el número de serie fuera de la unidad de radio en sí , y generará un código de desbloqueo para usted .
von Chris C
I recommend visiting http://unlockradiocodes.com if anyone needs a radio code. They provide your code and have a collection of guides ranging from how to locate your serial number to how to input your code into the radio. It helped me a lot!
von medovikova75
Can anyone help I need a code for my radio as lost it the serial number is V048911
von markbutterworth
Nesecito saber cómo desbloquear el radio de una odyssey 2003 vin.5FNRL18043B110788
von Alexa salgado
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