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A portable media player released in 2006. It is identified by the words "Zen Vision W" on the back side of the device.

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I have a bad battery and can’t find a replacement.

I recently acquired 2 Zen Vision W’s, and both of them have bad batteries. I can’t find a replacement online, and was wondering if anyone knows where I can get them? It uses a 3.7 volt lithium ion battery rated at 1.65Ah and has 4 metal pins

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Hi Cole,

Can you post a picture of the battery? Some of us may be able to find a compatible one if we know the dimensions and what kind of connectors it has.


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Hi @bambooforest

Search online for PMA-BA0002 to find suppliers that suit you best. (examples only)

Here's the ifixit Creative Zen Vision W Battery Replacement guide that may also help.

You can see the battery model number printed on the battery in the image below this answer if you wish to verify the battery model number. It should be the same as what is printed on the batteries in the players that you have.

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