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The Anbernic RG353V is a handheld gaming console designed for retro gaming enthusiasts. . The device features an IPS display that delivers vibrant colors and wide viewing angles, enhancing gameplay and overall enjoyment.

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Backlight flicker, stops with pressure to front of device

As title, I would like to know if the backlight on the 3.5" IPS Panel is at all fixable or if I will have to find a replacement entire screen.

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It depends where the loose connection is, it could either be on the motherboard or inside the display itself, one would be much easier to fix than the other. I'd suggest opening the device and carefully applying pressure to various points around the motherboard to see where you have to press for the backlight to function.

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The device seems as though it's a very recent release.

According to this link it has a 3 year warranty on it.

I realize that the length of the warranty depends on where it was sold but maybe check the warranty details for your device and then if the warranty period is still valid, follow the directions to make a claim for a manufacturer's warranty repair or replacement.

Do not open the device to try and find out what's wrong with it and give the manufacturer an excuse to deny any claim that the warranty has been voided because it has been opened.

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