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Samsung Galaxy S21 FE (Fan Edition) is a variant of the S21 model and was released on January 11th 2022. The phone has a few changes from the main S21 model, making it slightly cheaper.

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Small scratch-like dots on my phone screen

Hi everyone, only a few days ago I noticed that there are these 2 little spots on my screen. First time I saw the spots was after my phone was being carried in a purse (Not mine) and taking it out. At first I thought it was just dirt so I tried cleaning it off but nothing works. I've used isopropyl, screen cleaning solution, toothpaste, an eraser and a few others. Nothing works. There isn't a screen protector applied on this screen either. I'm starting to wonder whether the screen itself is damaged or not, if anybody knows a fix or reason to how this could have happened I'd love to know. Thanks.

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Hi Jack,

That screen is Gorilla Glass, so it's really hard to damage; generally anything that hits it hard enough to damage the surface will crack the glass, so I don't think what you're seeing is on the surface of the glass. Best way to tell is to take a sharp blade like an X-Acto knife and scrape it across the defect. If there's no change in the friction you feel when you get to the bubble, then it's almost certainly on the other side of the glass, not the front.

Assuming the front glass is indeed intact, then what you're looking at is the beginning of the AMOLED layer of the screen delaminating from the front glass. There's no fix for this; OLED screens are notoriously difficult to remove from the front glass, and just as hard to laminate back on without bubbles like you're seeing, at least not without specialized and expensive equipment.

Ultimately, it looks like the fix for that is going to be to replace the screen. Your phone is new enough that screens are still going to be somewhat expensive; they're generally running about $190 USD, but I did see some that were as low as $110. Here's a link to that one; an internet search may turn up more, and you'll need to verify it fits your phone.

Samsung Galaxy S21 FE (G990/2021) Screen Assembly with Frame - Lavender (Premium) International

A guide to doing that replacement would come in handy, wouldn't it? Unfortunately iFixit doesn't have one yet, but there's a German site called iDoc.eu that does. Here you go.

Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G screen replacement - repair guide

See if you can tell if that bubble you see is on the surface and let us know what you find.

If it is indeed internal, you don't really need to replace the screen unless it gets big enough to bother you. It shouldn't affect the functionality of the phone, so it's really going to be a decision based on how long you can live with it versus the cost to fix it.

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By the way, compliments on your question; it was well asked, included needed information, and your pictures were great, so thank you for that!

Oh, and if your phone is still under warranty it would definitely be worth pursuing a warranty claim. Your phone is new enough that they should definitely replace what looks like a defective screen.


Hi there Jerry, thank you for such an in detail answer, it definitely gave me an idea of my options for this issue. Apologies as I forgot to mention that the defect is on the front of the glass as when running my finger nail along it (Mainly just to reduce risk of more damage) I can feel a change in friction where it feels harder at the bubbles location. I can most definitely live with the spots as they are only most noticeable in direct light but fixing this is just one of those nice to have things haha.


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if its a j1 ace its normal near the camera

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Unfortunately this is a S21 FE which I have yet to come across more reports of this happening haha


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