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Toshiba Portege R830- where is the CMOS battery?

Without a complete disassembly guide, I'm thinking it must be in the worst possible place: on the topside of an inner board (under keyboard), on a unit meant to be opened from the backside.

Does anyone here know?


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Tracy Fortune, I don’t have this exact device myself, but Toshiba used a lot of the similar batteries in their devices.

Here is a link to a video, if you check at 7:56 to 8:28 in the video, you can see the RTC / CMOS battery for the R830 Portégé.

The replacement battery is found on several sites online, eBay being one of them. If you get it off of eBay, make sure to research the seller and make sure they have a solid feedback base, and good feedback on the item. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unscrupulous sellers on eBay :(

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Give me the EXACT time in this video. I don't see it.


I see it now!

It's a stupid, plastic-wrapped bs battery. At least I know why I didn't spot it. Thank you for the video link!


Thanks. Was in a different (and rather easier) position on the PortegeZ930 but pretty easy to find and replace. They'd have been better off using a standard button battery, certainly would have been cheaper to replace.


I despise when they make it THIS hard to replace something like a CMOS battery or RAM-- in this case, the entire motherboard has to be removed just to reach the power connector for the CMOS battery. FFS!


8:05, it's most likely the two circular shapes (button batteries) in yellow heatshrink, with red and black wires. Just above the optical drive, and to the left of the CPU.


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