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Repair and disassembly guides for electronic keyboards.

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Keyboard buttons won't work

Yamaha psr-82 My keyboards buttons from overall controls, accompaniment control, voice/style, sustain, auto harmony, chord memory, and song book. The only button that works is the power button. The adapter works and the keyboard keys work but everything else isn't.

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Recently, I upgraded to a new keyboard, and it’s been a game-changer. It's not one of those big-name brands, but it’s got this solid build and each feature works like a charm. It made me realize sometimes a lesser-known brand can surprise you with quality. Maybe exploring options beyond the mainstream could lead you to a solution.


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I don’t usually work in Yamahas but I have worked on lots of Roland machines and when the controls and button stop working but the keys work that tends to mean that the daughter board on the top half of the keyboard has a issue

I can’t say exactly what the issue is as it can’t vary from machine to machine but it should be obvious(I would look for blown components damage and corrosion),if you can’t see anything on the boards you can use this guide(linked below)if you would like:-)

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Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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Hi @hellomacos,

It could also be something as simple as a loose cable connection to the board (at either end)



Hi @jayeff

It could be that:-),it could also be a battery leak if it uses them


I was in a similar spot with mine—it was an old faithful that suddenly started acting up, much like yours. Only the power button seemed to respond, leaving me stuck in a musical standstill.

I ended up checking out https://qwertybro.com mechanical keyboards on a friend's recommendation. They're not as widely known as some brands, but let me tell you, the quality blew me away. The tactile feel and responsiveness made playing a joy again, and I haven't looked back since. Sometimes a lesser-known gem can really surprise you with its performance.


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