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Die siebte Generation des iPad, veröffentlicht am 25. September 2019. Erhältlich mit 32 oder 128 GB Speicher. Modellnummer A2197.

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Screen glitching after glass/digitizer replacement **URGENT**

Backstory, I'm no professional but have been fixing iPhone/iPod Screens since I was 8 years old. I've always been the go-to to fix iPhone screens but have only ever been self taught from iFixIt Guides.

Anyways - I have tried to repair only my 2nd iPad ever from a family member the other day with just the worst luck. Everything has gone wrong with this repair and I'm so stressed at this point, I can't afford to dump any money into this as I believe I messed this up on my own.

Firstly, I was only asked to replace the screen as it was cracked. Ok, easy enough. Worked on it the other day and finally after 4 hours, got it all back together and done. Went to put the screen on and didn't realize the frame was gashed and CRACKED THE NEW SCREEN.

Anywhom, I said whatever and bought a new one and went to go replace it.


  • Did a function test with the old cracked screen and the newly cracked screen. All was working as should.
  • After installing the new screen(2nd new one) it is now found that the LCD screen is glitching.
  • It is that "Ghost Touch" and moves the screen around, types in random passwords ETC.
  • I thought maybe it was the LCD itself. Replaced that, did not fix issue.
  • I tried with old glass digitizer, this ghost touch glitching problem is still there. I know it's not the digitizer.
  • Even if my hands are off the LCD screen and it is ONLY the LCD screen plugged in, I'm getting this ghost touch issue.
  • Checked the board connectors and all pins seemed fine. From a visual inspection of the Micro PCB connections, all looked to have no issue. Do not have a microscope, as I'm NOT A PROFESSIONAL. This was only confirmed from a visual inspection.

I really appreciate the help and support, as I've been stressed and really losing it over this thing. Not really sure where else to go.

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Hi Bradley,

You're not the first person with this problem; go ahead and check out this previous question from another user with the same problems as you. There are quite a few possible solutions given, and hopefully one of them will work for you.

SOLVED: iPad doing its own thing! Ghost Touching - iPad 2 Wi-Fi EMC 2415 - iFixit

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