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Apples Flaggschiff-Smartphone für 2020 wurde am 13. Oktober angekündigt und kam am 23. Oktober auf den Markt. Dieser Nachfolger des iPhone 11 Pro ist mit einem 6,1 Zoll OLED Display, einem Kamerasystem mit drei Objektiven und LIDAR sowie 5G ausgestattet.

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My iPhone 12 pro is restarting (AP Watchdog Expired)

Hi, I am so much worried. Any sort of guidance will be appreciated.

My iphone 12 pro randomly restarted and gave the following error:

"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-03-08 18:51:29.00 +0500","os_version":"iPhone OS 16.3.1 (20D67)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"1A6325D8-D571-47D2-B0C7-501EC637832E"}


"build" : "iPhone OS 16.3.1 (20D67)",

"product" : "iPhone13,3",

"socId" : "0x00008101",

"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.3.0: Wed Jan 4 21:24:52 PST 2023; root:xnu-8792.82.2~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101",

"incident" : "1A6325D8-D571-47D2-B0C7-501EC637832E",

"crashReporterKey" : "6968325aceb6511bccfe9c03edd928a76c82454c",

"date" : "2023-03-08 18:51:31.56 +0500",

"panicString" : "SOCD report detected: (AP watchdog expired)",

"panicFlags" : "0x0",

"bug_type" : "210",

"foregroundAppHash" : "1634303044",

"repairStatus" : "1",


"binaryImages" : []


Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

Ist dies eine gute Frage?

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8 Kommentare

Doing a search on this particular panic, it appears to be happening with iPhone 12's and M1 MacBooks primarily, and one or two iPhone 14's. iOS version seems to be early 16.x, but have been reports of 15.x versions occurring as well. Software updates and downgrades don't seem to help.

@flannelist, have you run across this one?


I asked chat gpt to find me the reason behind restarting. According to chatgpt, “when the device system fails to restart a particular app” but i am not sure. Not able to find anything related to this query and it makes me sad. Spent a lot of money for getting hands on this device and and ending up with this.


@dadibrokeit OoooooO. No I have not. Activating detective mode.


@Alisha C, Be the best detective, please :D


@hj4pulag3i2awui, not time to despair yet; you've got a former Apple engineer and an expert Linux engineer on the job!


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Sorry for my delay in answer. I think this is a software issue. Could be totally off, but here’s my line of thinking and maybe @dadibrokeit can corroborate if this makes any sort of sense.

It seems to have shown up recently following a software update for most of the folks I could find and seems also to be linked to iOS 16. Which I have already seen having other random software related panics relating to watchdog functions.

I can’t find much on SOCD either, but my inkling is that it, like most other things that end in “d” in macOD is a daemon, which is a software component of the operating system. SOC or SoC for System on a Chip or the CPU. It may be something relating specifically to functions of the CPU. The CPU is ultimately responsible for issuing the reset command. That’s purely conjecture.

I am also inclined to think software due to the mention of “containers” which is something macOS makes use of in its APFS file system. This may not be related, but just trying to put together pieces of a puzzle.

I would normally recommend to update your OS, but that hasn’t made a difference in other similar cases and you’re already running the most current version from the looks of things. If it’s not restarting so frequently that you can’t make a backup, I would backup the device, reset it and see if that makes a difference. I would specifically recommend restoring it using a computer if possible.

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I also had this today on 12 pro, its gotta be a bug, the fact is happening to us all at the same time cant be coincidence.

Here is the code

{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-03-12 12:02:21.00 +0000","os_version":"iPhone OS 16.3.1 (20D67)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"7F3D2434-BFC9-42A9-887C-0683957D100A"}


"build" : "iPhone OS 16.3.1 (20D67)",

"product" : "iPhone13,3",

"socId" : "0x00008101",

"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.3.0: Wed Jan 4 21:24:52 PST 2023; root:xnu-8792.82.2~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101",

"incident" : "7F3D2434-BFC9-42A9-887C-0683957D100A",

"crashReporterKey" : "529038bedaf1aa62fafec6d4b08b55bf84ae6cfd",

"date" : "2023-03-12 12:02:24.34 +0000",

"panicString" : "SOCD report detected: (AP watchdog expired)",

"panicFlags" : "0x0",

"bug_type" : "210",

"foregroundAppHash" : "2681261667",

"repairStatus" : "3",


"binaryImages" : []


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Same here today. My iPhone 12 brand new (4.03.2023) reboot while watching a reel on instagram. Reel suddently freeze for maybe 3 seconds and then reboot.. wtf apple..?!!!


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My 12 pro with 16.4.1 got same issue, how about your phone now? What should i do?

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12 Pro Max same iOS version 16.4.1 this is the first time it has happened and a week ago i got the update notification of iOS17. I was watching a reel on Instagram and in seconds display gone black and after few seconds Apple logo appear iPhone is back turned on and after that nothing has happen yet.


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Jumping in here, same issue on my iPhone 15 Pro. Before and after updating iOS

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