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Device repair and troubleshooting guides for the Alienware 17 R2, an American computer made by Dell in 2015, but later discontinued. This product was specifically designed for gaming.

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Dell Alienware Beep 7 times while booting (no display)

this alienware is working just fine except, there is a USB problem (connect and disconnect every seconds). i've check the solder joint and even change the port, but the problem is persist. seeing that i've decided to change the intel PCH.

after changing the PCH, i got 7 beeps and no display

(from just a usb problem into no display problem) :(

the voltage is normal PLT_RST# is present, LPCH_FRAME also present, there is no short circuit at all

then i thought the new pch is faulty, so i replace it with the old one, sadly the beeps still there.

i bought 2 new PCH (each from a different supplier) and the problem still persist.

i make sure that the PCH replacement is good, i use BGA rework station with 220C, i remove the solder on the pad with solder wick, and give small amount of flux to put the new one.

at this point, im sure that the PCH is not the problem,

from dell website, 7 beeps code means the problem is around the CPU or could be something else.

what i've done

  • replacing the PCH 3 times
  • checking the short circuit (nothing)
  • flash bios and EC (did multiple times with different source bios firmware)
  • reset CMOS battery
  • change the RAM

when the laptop trying to boot, there is 3 times sequence (fan spin on and off) before the laptop gives the beeps code (the fan is off while the laptop giving beeps code)

and the cpu getting hot while beeping (around 50c)

any help is highly appreciated, thankyou :D

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Well there could be a problem with the motherboard, RAM, or CMOS battery, a problem with the video card or chip or a problem with the CPU or LCD display. Look for issue related to if and I will suggest to get help from some one who have the write knowledge of system hardware some one professional.

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thankyou for your answer, im not saying im a professional, but i have a experience in couple of motherboard repair before, and i also already replace laptop PCH / processor or an other BGA chip for a couple time now. the thing is this laptop is suppose to be turn on since all of the signal in S0 state is present, but instead the laptop give a beeps code. i wonder if i miss something.

as i mentioned before, the RAM, CMOS are known good and for the GPU and CPU are working fine before, so i doubt it will cause the issue, and for the LCD, i've attached a second monitor with HDMI interface and still not displaying anything.

do you have any other suggestion that i can try?



Have you figured this issue out? I’m having the exact same issue on my Alienware 13 I just got this thing used and it ran like a new machine for a week and then this… I’m a struggling artist, it put me in the a hole buying this used laptop. I don’t really have the money to get a bunch of repairs done, I’m hoping to figure it out or I’m probably out all the money I payed for this thing… but I’m not a tech at all… please help


@jamesmcmaster Hi there, for me all of above is not working, but when i replace the intel PCH, it just works. It looks like there is a design flaw or something in this model, i've seen a lot of same cases as me where you need to replace the PCH to get it really done. There is a lot of post on reddit regarding this issue, you should go there first ig, maybe there is another solution that works for you.


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I encounter the same problem after trying to upgrade the CPU. I have read on a forum about this issue and was solved replacing the socket rPGA-988!

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