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Am 20. September 2019 veröffentlichte Apple dieses neue Flaggschiff Smartphone als Nachfolger des iPhone XS. Es verfügt über ein 5,8" OLED-Display, eine Rückkamera mit drei Linsen und eine deutlich verbesserte Akkulaufzeit.

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Why is my phone getting so hot?

My phone has been getting what I would consider excessively hot after a short operation time.

I’m wondering what might be happening or how I could fix this issue.

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Hi There @rmass, there's a good chance that this is caused by a failing battery! Often as batteries get older their resistance increases, meaning that they lose more energy as heat as they power your phone. This could also be caused by other problems, such as a mild short on the phone's logic board, but this is far more uncommon. Hope this helps!

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