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Repair guides and support for your Panasonic microwave.

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Panasonic NN-SE284S Fuse blows and not working anymore

When turn on the fuse blowed and stop working after. I changed the fuse but it blowed again when I turned it on again. So I assume there is another problem that is causing the fuse blowing up.

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1 Antwort

Hi @sleimanakel

It could be a faulty door interlock switch.

There are 3 door interlock switches in the oven.

The primary and secondary interlocks are normally open when the door is open and close when the door is shut. The monitor interlock switch is closed when the door is open and open when the door is shut. Check that they are operating/releasing correctly and that one of them is not short circuit all the time, door open or shut.

Here's how the service manual for the oven shows how to test if the door interlock switches are OK.

If the switches are OK there's also a wiring diagram on p.29 of the manual that may help.

Be safety aware when working in microwave ovens. The HV capacitor can store >5000V DC for months, even if the power to the oven has been disconnected for this length of time. This amount of voltage can seriously injure you. The HV capacitor needs to be correctly discharged as soon as it can be accessed after the oven's cover has been removed and before commencing any further work in the oven.

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