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Would using a higher rated power lead cause issues?

I'm not sure if I worded the title correctly but I don't know what else to call it specifically. The PSU I have is "rated" (I'm not sure that's the right term for it though) for 200-240V 6A. The only leads I have are either 250V 5A or 250V 10A. Would using either of these cause issues for my PC?

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In this case, you should use the 250V 10A power cord. You can go the same or up on voltage and amperage.

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Hi @danielg60938

Might depend on where you are.

Using the 5A cable might not damage the PSU but may damage the cable or it becomes a fire hazard.

If the local mains power supply is 240V and the PSU is rated for 200-240 6A then a 5A cable is not sufficient. The cable will run hot if the full amount of current is required.

The maximum power that a 240 6A PSU can accept and use is 1440W whereas the 250V 5A cable maximum power rating is 1250W

The PSU may not require this amount but you don't know.

I would use the 10A cable to be safe. Let the fuse in the PSU protect it if necessary and don't use the 5A cable as a fuse.

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