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The Dell OptiPlex 7010 MT is an office-oriented desktop PC. It comes with a third-gen quad-core Intel i5 or i7 CPU. It has 4 DIMM slots, 10 USB ports, two hard drive bays, and two DVD drive bays.

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Why my is not boot?

my cpmouter dell optiplex 7010 is no bootable

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Is it turning on at all? Making any beeps? Is Windows trying to load?


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1 Antwort

Please check that when the power cable is connected, the POST indicator is lit up at the back. If this isn't lit up, it would indicate a failed power supply which would be a cheap and easy swap. The POST light is a small green light with a button next to it - you can hold the button to make it light up when supplied with power.

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Mine the fans just spin but no display


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